My Sis and I

My Sis and I
Summer on Alpena Street
One of my favorite sayings from the show Emily Owens, MD

"We make all these plans of how things will turn out; but life happens, plans change, so we adapt. We draw on strength we didn't know we had; we give up any illusions of control, and we deal head on with problems that come our way."

Friday, November 29, 2013


My mom had an idea on one particular evening to have a candlelight dinner for our family.  She had eagerly prepared our dinner of pot roast, carrots and potatoes, and I recall baking a two layer chocolate cake.  My dad really didn't have any say-so in the matter.  All of us girls wanted to sit and eat with the lights dimmed and candles flickering on the beautifully arrayed table.

Our evening was going pretty well, with good conversation and lightheartedness, until my dad reached over his plate to open his bottle of Pepsi.  He placed the bottle opener to the edge of the cap to pull it open. As he pulled up on the bottle opener, the Pepsi bottle slid slightly, hit his plate, sending his meal into his lap. The contents of the Pepsi fizzed up, splashing onto the ceiling and all over his lap. Since I was closest to the light switch, I jumped up immediately and turned the light on to see the catastrophe at hand.

The expression on my dad's face left little to the imagination.  His words of "this is the last time we have a candlelight dinner in this house" rang out loud and clear.  The hammer had fallen.  The decree made clear; but my dad, being the man that he was, began to see the humor in the situation and that chuckle of laughter that I know so well began to ring out and envelop us all.  

When I was a senior in High School, my dad bought me a used dark green Volkswagon with a stick shift.  I puttered around in that car to infinity and beyond.  I felt so cool in my green bug and loved the stick shift.  I. Was. Somebody.

Late one Friday night, I was driving back from my friend's house when my car began to sputter. Luckily, I was fairly close to home when this happened.  As I turned onto my street, the car stopped running and rolled to a stop.  I tried several times to start it, but to no avail.

Since my house was just down the road, I got out of the car and walked home.  Upon entering the front door, I saw my dad sitting cozily in his arm chair reading the paper with one of his favorite shows on as background noise.

"Dad", I said, as he looked up from his paper, "something's wrong with my car".  I proceeded to tell him about my dilemma and with a weary sigh he said, "Oh Sharon."  Getting up from his comfortable respite, he grabbed his coat and car keys and drove us up to the entrance of the road.

Reaching the stalled car, my dad got out with me following close behind.  He tried several times to start it, even looking under the hood for a precise inspection.  Once again, he got into the driver's seat, leaving the car door open, and turned the ignition on.  I noticed him glance knowingly at the dashboard. He knew something that I didn't.  He knew the problem.

Being the clueless high school girl that I was about cars, I waited in anticipation for his diagnosis. "Sharon", he said.  "Yes, dad" I replied.  "Do you realize you are out of gas?"  Did I say clueless?  

My dad and I drove the Buick up to the gas station to fill up the gas can and drove back again.  He told me to drive his car home and he would take care of the rest.  Gotta love a dad like that.

From that day on, I checked my gas gauge without fail, filling up when it reached 1/4 on my gas gauge.

Friday, November 22, 2013


What a wind storm we had last week with branches falling and debrie being tossed about, pulling down wires and felling trees, robbing many of power.  Storms of nature are events completely out of our control.  They just happen....without our say so and sometimes unexpectedly.

The storms of life can also come unexpectedly. Gusts of situations that knock the breath out of us, tossing us in all directions, pulling down our faith and hope, felling our false expectations and robbing us of power. Power to overcome.

As Christians, we do not live in a bubble.  Life happens.  Winds blow.  Storms come.  It's what we do in those times that matters the most.  It's said that storms make you stronger.  I never liked hearing that phrase.  But I can say's true.....they do. I am a witness.

What can we do when those "gusts" come in our direction:

  • Face it head on - deal with it
  • Express everything to God - leaving nothing out
  • Keep our confidence in God 
  • Don't allow our emotions to dictate
  • Let God's promises dictate
  • We need to spiral up and not spiral down
In our own strength, we lack sufficient resources and abilities to meet life's "gusts" that blow into our life. When we try to tackle these storms independent of God, we will surely fail and come up short.  I have been that person - the one who tries to figure it out and come up with a plan instead of setting my face to seek the Lord.  I lose sleep, my energy is depleted, my mind rehearses the situation, worrying ensues and the "what if's" start to overwhelm me wave upon wave.

What did Jehoshaphat do when he heard that a great army was coming against him? Talk about a storm brewing - this was a big one coming against Judah and Jerusalem.  The Bible says in 2 Chronicles 20:3 "Then Jehoshaphat was afraid and set his face to seek the Lord."

Looking at Jehoshaphat's Response  

He did not allow the feeling of fear to control him.  We can feel fear, which is natural, and not be afraid.  There is no need for us to hang onto our fear for God will fight for us.

He set his mind to seek the Lord.  We can have a predetermined plan when trouble comes of what we will do.  A plan already set in place. Jehoshaphat already had a predetermined plan to seek the Lord. He turned his attention in the Lord's direction.  So can we.

He rehearsed God's faithfulness and His promises (vs.6-9).  It is vital that we rehearse the times God has brought us through.  Rehearse the strength of our God.

He had a position of worship (vs.18-19).  Worship invites all the resources of Heaven to stand by our side.  We are worshiping a God who can do something about the situation.  When our posture is worship, God moves, as stated in vs 22, "the Lord set an ambush against...."

There you have it. He faced his greatest fear, expressed everything to God, kept his confidence, not letting his emotions dictate but God's promises dictate, and he spiraled up and not down.  Victory came.

I am still in the process of learning this response. I haven't arrived. There are times when I forget to seek the Lord and His strength, to seek His face first, but they are fewer and farther between. I am learning to rehearse what 2 Chronicles says: "This is what the Lord says to you (put your name here), 'do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army.  For the battle is not yours, but God's.' 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Winter….it can be a harsh season of blizzards, dreary skies, leafless trees and brown grass.  But winter is so important.  If the grass didn’t freeze, if the trees didn’t shed, if the flowers didn’t fade, we wouldn’t have such rich foliage and vibrant growth when Spring arrives. Winter is a time to anticipate Spring.

The same is true with the Winter in our life as a Christ follower.  During these times it can be a time when we become more focused, when our priorities become clearer, when we evaluate our situations and come to terms with some things realizing that God needs to be at the center of everything. It's a time when we can anticipate what God can and will do, a time for Hope to arise, which is the Music of Winter - Hope.

Psalm 42:11 expresses it so well, "why are you in despair O my soul? And why have you become disturbed within me?  Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him, the help of my countenance and my God."

Hope, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary means, "to desire with expectation of obtainment."

If the season of your soul is Winter, look with expectant anticipation to what God can do during this time and.....


Thursday, November 7, 2013


"Mom.....we've had our house broken into" was the call I received yesterday afternoon from my daughter Haylee.  "Oh no Haylee! I'm so sorry this has happened to you again."

Haylee's first year living in Houston, her apartment, that she was sharing with another dancer, was broken into and they were robbed of some precious things - laptops filled with pictures of friends and family, CD's used for their dance projects, but mostly robbed of trust.  Left wondering "Why us?"

This time, the "Home Sweet Home" that she shared with her husband Kevin, recently married in June of this year, was broken into.  Again the question "why mom?  and the trust broken again. "I thought this would be a safe neighborhood", she said.  "This is our home.  They have violated a safe place for Kevin and I."  

The age-old question of "Why do bad things happen to good people" has been a conundrum by many theologians over the years.  Many books have been written on the subject.  In 1978, a book by Harold Kushner, a conservative Rabbi, was titled "When Bad Things Happen to Good People." He came to the conclusion that it was "essentially the evidential problem of evil".  He states, "all we can do is try to rise beyond the question 'why did it happen?' and begin to ask the question what do I do now that it has happened?"

Haylee and Kevin have risen above the question of "why did it happen?" Their anger still intact and working through the trust issues, they are moving to the second question "what do we do now that it has happened?"

I am so impressed with how they have handled this violation of their home.  So impressed with the attitude they have taken. Haylee and I have related this to how the enemy, satan, comes to steal, kill and destroy - to take what doesn't belong to him.  Christ so aptly called him a thief.  There is evil in this world Christ said, but "I have overcome the world."  I think Haylee and Kevin are taking this word to heart.  They are not going to let this evil overcome them.  In fact, they both feel stronger, more determined to not "let the enemy triumph over them" and are already seeing good coming from evil with friends offering prayers, asking what they can do to help, what do they need, giving encouragement. Like I said to Haylee, "God will bring beauty out of ashes Haylee. He will bring good out of what was meant for evil."

I have found that the Bible is true when it says in John 16:33b "in this world, you will have tribulation, but take courage, I have overcome the world."  A promise that we will get through this.

As Christians, "What do we do now?"

When something unexpected happens (and it does to all of us), let's not lose our faith or our hope that something good will eventually come out of this situation.  Let's gain a renewed sense of our faith, a renewed sense that there is always hope.  Let's ask ourselves what do I need to do to make this better? What can I learn about myself through this? How can I open my heart wider to encompass the pain and grow from it rather than closing down and isolating myself?  My house hasn't been broken into, but I have experienced the unexpected. I've experienced pain, shed tears of disappointment, hurt, wanting to hide from it and close the doors. I've learned some things about myself through the unexpected that I would not have learned otherwise.  I've learned things about life, about people, about choices, and much more.

Haylee said to me just this morning, "mom...I have such peace today.  I feel stronger in my faith. This isn't going to get me down." Isn't that a great triumph right there?

We need to remember that underneath every dark cloud, the sun is still shining.

As Rabbi Jerome Epstein wrote

"My understanding of God does not permit me to accept that every bad or good thing that occurs is a reward or punishment.  There are times when bad things happen to good people....we need consolation, not anger; love, not hate.  The God I serve and pray to daily has charged me not to blame but to help."

Verse to memorize (it's good to read this verse in context by reading the whole chapter of 16)

"These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace.  In the world you have tribulation, but take courage (your name); I have overcome the world." John 16:33.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


"How do we recognize 'good enough?' When we start to say 'I have to' instead of 'I get to'.  This month, one of the books I am reading is "Greater" by Steven Furtick.  This is one of many statements he makes in this vision-oriented book.

He explains that breaking away from good enough and igniting God's vision starts with becoming more acutely aware of God's presence in our life....our ordinary life that is.  God is present with us, watching over us, planning greater things for us.

We can sometimes feel that our life is so ordinary.  But that's okay, as long as God's presence is in our ordinary life and we are aware of it.  I have faced many challenges in this ordinary life and have plowed through many circumstances - all with God's help.  At times, I have said "I have to" instead of "I get to", but I am refocusing, leaning in to listen better to the Spirit, looking for those "greater" moments where I am totally surrendered, totally obedient, willing to sacrifice.

We have to remember that God is detail-oriented but doesn't always communicate those details to us. He doesn't always tell us the how.  We don't have a GPS to follow.  Abraham just had a directive from God "Abraham-go"....

Sometimes, as Beth Moore has said - "we do it scared".  I've been there too.  Being more is simply being obedient in what I hear from God, not doing more so I feel good about myself.

"Being more" for the disciples meant leaving their fishing boats and nets to follow Christ.

Greater means we are willing to give up good.  It means we will realize more and more that the purpose of the greater life....of being more....isn't to bring attention to ourselves.  It's to bring glory to the one who will always be greater.

What's in our way today of becoming more, of living greater?  Pride, fear of failing, lack of motivation, an undisciplined life, selfishness, people, or our past?

Let's take time to ask God how we can be more in Him.  How we can live this life in a greater way and what do we need to let go of in order to move forward.

As Steve Furtick says "God is more interested in our full obedience than our full understanding.  He will give the days orders when we show up on the job site."

There is a cost to pay in giving up good.  We will have to make some sacrifices....but isn't it worth it?

Monday, November 4, 2013


There are some very talented and creative designers in this world but to me - God is the most creative and talented designer.

In Genesis chapter 1 we read about God, the Creator, creating the heavens, creating the earth, creating all kinds of living creatures and lastly, creating male and female.

God's design and plan didn't stop there.  In Matthew chapter 1, and Luke the first two chapters, we read of God sending an angel to Mary and telling her she will conceive and give birth to a son and to call His name JESUS....for He will be the Savior of the world - saving people from their sins.

What God Has Designed:

God has designed a pathway of forgiveness and eternal life, which is salvation through Jesus Christ - Salvation that is freely given to us and not earned.  It is God's design that we would have a Savior...Jesus....

Along with Salvation, God has designed a pathway of peace.  We have:
  • Peace with God.  Personal peace.  We are no longer fighting against God because now we have a right relationship with Him.
  • Peace of God. This kind of peace will do three things:
  1. Guard your heart.
  2. Guard your mind and 
  3. Keep, watch over and protect our heart and our mind when we put our life into His hands. 
This peace is available to us on a daily basis when we put our life and our circumstances in His hands. Philippians 4:7 says: and the peace of God, which surpasses (goes beyond the limit), of all understanding (all of our capacity to understand), will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

The peace of God is our guardian.  When I visualize this verse, I see myself in the protective care of someone who has my best interest at heart.

It is God's design for us to have peace, and this peace is freely given to those who believe.

God has designed for us to also have hope.  Webster's dictionary defines Hope as "a feeling that what is wanted will happen, a desire accompanied by anticipation or expectation."  I think all of us at sometime have had this level of hope.  I have - when it came to my girls coming home for breaks from college.  I anticipated seeing them again - could hardly wait for their arrival.  Although, Kelly's sophomore year of college she sort of burst my bubble by saying "mom, you need to get a life."  I still anticipated her coming home.

I think a Christian definition of this might be: an eager anticipation of God's promises being fulfilled - knowing we are not going to be stuck in this forever.

A few years back, I had a major vertigo attack - nausea, dizziness, ringing in my ears and a feeling I was going to pass out - which then escalated into anxiety attacks.  The vertigo did go away eventually but the anxiety attacks remained.  I was afraid to drive or go out anywhere for fear that this attack might happen again. The anxiety attacks went on for almost three months.

I remember being at my parent's house when I had one of my worst anxiety attacks.  Bruce was at camp with Kelly and Haylee and I planned to stay at my mom and dad's.  My parents prayed over me and played soft worship music to calm my anxiety.  They both would come into the room where I was and read Psalms to me.  My feeling was of being trapped, suffocating, couldn't get out.  If you have never had panic attacks, this probably seems very foreign to you.  I remember a verse my mom read from Psalm 38:15 where David was crying out for help "for I hope in You, O Lord, You will answer, O Lord, my God."

Psalm 42:11 David was encouraging himself to hope: "why are you cast down, O my soul? and why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God; for I shall yet praise Him, the help of my countenance and my God." I was hanging onto these verses - knowing that I was going to see the other side of this....having great Hope!

I was eagerly anticipating God bringing a positive outcome.  I had a knowing that I was not going to be stuck in this forever....that I would see God's promise fulfilled.

Maybe you are waiting or hoping in God that He will bring some good, some direction, some conclusions, some strength or maybe you are waiting and anticipating for a positive outcome.  I want to encourage you to remember the words of David and say "For I hope in You, O Lord, You will answer, O Lord my God." I'm not going to be stuck in this forever.

God has given us Hope.  Hope in this life and Hope of eternal life to come.

Love has been designed for us by our great and excellent designer. He gives us His Love.

God's character is Love.  He cannot be anything else.  He cannot go against who He is.  I John 4:16 clearly states that God is Love.  And because of that Love, Hebrews 13:5 says "I will never under any condition or circumstance desert you, nor will I ever at any time forsake you." 

That is God's promise.  We can depend on it. 

God also has given us the need to love and be loved.

I remember when Haylee was just a little one, maybe five at the time, and we were training her to stay in her room at night after we put her to bed.  This particular night, Bruce was downstairs and I had already gone to bed.  Haylee had been placed in her bed.  We had gone through all the nighttime rituals and she was told not to come out of her room or downstairs but to remain in bed.....this was sleep time.  Minutes later, I heard footsteps on her wood floor, but Haylee did not come out of her room. She sat just at the edge of the carpet leading into the hallway.  I heard whimpering from the doorway, and of course, my heart started to melt.  All of a sudden I heard this faint cry that said "won't somebody please love me?"  Well, you can image my response...YES!  I flung my covers back, reached her doorway and knelt beside her holding my precious child and reassuring her she was loved.  

I see God responding that way to us when we cry out for love. He has the greatest capacity to love because that's who He is.  People will fail and disappoint us, but God's love will never fail.

He has given us Salvation, Hope, Peace and Love.  

Whatever God designs, it won't fade, fray, shrink or fall apart because what He makes is made to last forever.